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Stowaways Change Tack to Reach UK *Update*


20 December 2019

Our correspondents in France have highlighted increased stowaway activity in the port of Dunkirk.

It is reported that stowaways are attempting to reach the United Kingdom by sea on cargo vessels. This is a shift from the usual methods employed, namely concealing themselves in truckS and trains that cross the English Channel by ferry or Eurotunnel.

The below advice remains valid.

3 June 2018

There has been a notable change in stowaway trends over the last 18 months, with an increase in activity around a number of European ports.

Stowaway specialists Robmarine have reported significant numbers of Albanian nationals close to the ports of Bilbao and Santander in Spain. It is alleged that people traffickers are active in this region and it was initially believed that the vast majority of these Albanian nationals were targeting ferry operators. However, in recent months cargo vessels have been targeted.

The recently completed security perimeter around the vehicle waiting area outside of the Bilbao Ferry Port has seen a reduction in the number of stowaways found on ferries. However, the success of this security measure has driven the would-be stowaways to target Bilbao`s commercial port with stowaways now being discovered, usually in groups, on board both container and general cargo vessels heading for UK ports including Liverpool, Bristol, Portsmouth, Southampton, Great Yarmouth and Newcastle.

Destination UK

The changes in stowaway activity can bepartly explained by the closure of a large refugee camp located outside of Calais in November 2016. Large numbers of immigrants dispersed, mainly into the Netherlands, Belgium and Northern Spain. Nationals from Ethiopia, Iraq, Syria and Albania have also been discovered on board UK-bound vessels departing northern French ports, Zeebrugge and the Hook of Holland.

Action when stowaway is found

If a stowaway is discovered on board a vessel, it is very important that the local authorities at the next port are notified of their presence prior to arrival. In the UK, after being alerted to a stowaway incident, Border Force (UKBF) officials will attend on board upon arrival to complete immigration formalities.

It is strongly recommended that any stowaway discovered on board is held in a secure cabin and thorough searches are carried out for any possessions or identification documents so that these may be presented to the authorities.

Members should be aware that under section 40 of the UK Immigration & Asylum Act 1999, a penalty of £2,000 per stowaway applies. This penalty is imposed on any vessel carrying an individual without the correct passport or visa documentation into the UK. Defence against this fine can be lodged within a 30 day period and in order to mitigate the penalty it is essential that the vessel is able to evidence that adequate security measures are in place on board. Evidence that thorough stowaway searches were carried from previous ports should also be presented.

Preventing stowaways

Extra vigilance is required, not only in those ports mentioned above, but also in other areas considered stowaway hotspots. This is especially relevant in summer months – a period which historically has shown a rise in stowaway activity.

Access to the vessel should be tightly controlled. Key considerations include how access to the vessel can be gained, for example using mooring ropes and cargo equipment, as well as by accommodation ladders, gangways and ramps. Constant watches should be maintained whilst vessels are in port and additional security measures should be taken where necessary, such as additional lighting.

Preventing stowaways boarding with cargo, especially in containers, is a particular problem that requires the co-operation of the port, the terminal operator and in some cases the charterer. The ship’s crew can also take precautions such as checking container seals are intact and paying special attention to empty, open-top or open-sided containers.

As a final precaution, and to supplement the measures taken under the Ship Security Plan, a thorough and systematic stowaway search should be carried out before the ship sails.

Author: Lucy Dreyer

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