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こちら Japan flag を選択して頂くと、言語設定が日本語に切り替わります。設定変更後は以下の機能が利用可能です。

  • 日本語版ウェブサイトへのクイックアクセスが可能となり、日本語の刊行物をご覧頂けます。

  • 日本語版が閲覧可能な刊行物や記事については、日本語が優先表示されます。表示言語については Japan flag をご参照下さい。

閉じる 言語設定を切り替えたい場合には、国旗のマークをクリックして下さい。

By selecting Japan flag, you have now set your language to Japanese. This has several benefits, including:

  • Providing quick access to our Japan page, which collates all our Japanese content in one place.

  • Ensures that content is presented to you in Japanese first, if we have an article, publication or webpage available in Japanese. Look out for the Japan flag indicators across the site.

Close If you’d like to change your language preferences again, simply click on one of the other flags.

点击选择 China flag,可将网站语言设置为中文。这能帮助您:

  • 快速访问我们的中国区页面,该页面将有网站内容的中文汇总。

  • 在我们的文章、出版物或者网页有中文版本提供的情况下,确保首先向您展示的是中文版本的内容。您可关注站点上的 China flag 按键。

关闭 点击任意其他国旗,可切换您的语言偏好。

By selecting China flag, you have now set your language to Chinese. This has several benefits, including:

  • Providing quick access to our China page, which collates all our Chinese content in one place.

  • Ensures that content is presented to you in Chinese first, if we have an article, publication or webpage available in Chinese. Look out for the China flag indicators across the site.

Close If you’d like to change your language preferences again, simply click on one of the other flags.

North has merged with Standard Club to form NorthStandard.
Find out more about NorthStandard here or continue on this site to access information and resources.



North has recently been notified of a number of cases concerning the fraudulent misdirection of payments due under or in relation to charter parties and other shipping contracts. As this suggests a worrying and rising trend, the following guidance is issued to alert Members, brokers and other concerned parties to this problem, including providing some practical suggestions on how to manage and avoid the risks involved.

The Scenario

A common scenario is that an unauthorised third party obtains access to the email system of a party involved in the brokerage correspondence chain. This could be owners, charterers or brokers. The unauthorised third party then seeks to misdirect payment elsewhere – sometimes using the “hacked” party’s email address and sometimes, using an email address which is very similar to a legitimate address.

The consequences of this fraud can be substantial losses of revenue, an obligation to pay again, damage to commercial relationships and the potential for expensive litigation.

Who Bears the Loss?

There is no simple answer to this question. It depends on the terms of the contract in question and the circumstances of the case.

Often the paying party will bear the losses unless they can establish that the payment as directed amounted to a good discharge of their obligation to pay under the contract, or resulted due to the actionable fault of their counterparty, or another party involved in the transaction.  

This can become a complicated issue when messages to redirect payment come via the brokerage channel, as questions arise as to whether or not the payer could treat such messages as being made with the authority of the genuine beneficiary under the contract.

Protecting the Transaction

Ideally the parties should include the details of beneficiaries and bank accounts in the contract itself, rather than leaving the provision of banking details for payments until afterwards.

Exchanging payment details after the contractual stage gives fraudsters an opportunity.

If they can insert themselves into correspondence it allows them to misdirect payments, usually by substituting fake invoices for genuine ones.

If the beneficiary and bank account details are agreed at the outset, along with a formalised process for substituting the beneficiary and bank account if variations are required, there is less room for error or doubt, provided the payer is diligent in double checking to ensure payments (or variations) are being made in accordance with the contract.

Any request via the brokerage channel to redirect payments, especially if contradictory invoices are circulated, should be treated with caution. It is good practice to double check these requests by telephone with the brokers and/or the contractual counterparty. They may also be confirmed in writing by alternative means, such as fax or telex.  

Going outside the brokerage channel email chain in this way is important as more sophisticated fraudsters can go to elaborate lengths to avoid the abuse of the email system being easily detected by the innocent parties.

This can include using deceptively similar email addresses to those legitimately used and altering the protocols on the email system to which unauthorised access has been obtained to block certain in-coming emails.

Make Yourself a Hard Target

Prevention is better than cure. Good IT security is the key defence to protecting the financial interests of everybody involved in shipping transactions.

This should include simple practices such as:

  • regular changing of passwords;
  • not sharing passwords or sensitive transactional information with others not involved;
  • avoiding opening suspicious attachments to emails that could contain viruses designed to obtain unauthorised access to email systems; and
  • periodic review and upgrading of IT security hardware and software.

In the case of any suspected unauthorised access, IT security and email protocols should be checked promptly by qualified technicians and appropriate action taken to mitigate against the risk of further attempts or incidents.

The fraudsters are out there – take steps to ensure that you are a hard target.

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We've merged with Standard Club to form NorthStandard, this means a new name and look for us, and even better service, support, and cover for you.

You can find out more about NorthStandard on our new website here. As part of the NorthStandard Group, please continue to use for your industry news, publications and expertise as well as club rules and contacts.