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By selecting China flag, you have now set your language to Chinese. This has several benefits, including:

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New Armed Guard Requirements in Force at Cotonou Anchorage *Update*


6 August 2020

Since January 2020, the Benin Navy has been providing armed guard services to vessels free of charge as part of the arrival procedures at the autonomous port of Cotonou.

Budd P&I in Benin has now advised that these arrangements are set to change following the issue of a new decree. An English translation can be read here.

There will now be charges applied for the services of the Benin Navy. However, while foreign armed guards on vessels calling at Cotonou were previously prohibited, this latest decree states that:

  1. It is a requirement for all vessels calling at a Beninese port to have a équipe armée de protection embarquée (EAPE) – translated as an armed protection team
  2. Navy guards will only be provided to vessels who do not already have private guards on board
  3. Any ship which is authorized to enter Benin’s territorial waters is subject to an arms verification – the EAPE’s weapons are placed under seal at the quayside by the Beninese Armed Forces until the vessel sails

Two charge scales for will apply for the various services provided by Benin’s Navy, depending on the length of the vessel:

Vessels up to 100 m in length Vessels over 100 m in length
Placing or removing seals from weapons at quayside 305.00 Euros 305.00 Euros
Provision of armed team on board docked vessel 534.00 Euros 686.02 Euros


Provision of armed team during stay on the roads on the owner’s decision (additional per day) 228.67 Euros 259.16 Euros
Escort of armed team from the wharf or harbour 549.00 Euros 549.00 Euros

28 January 2020

The Port of Cotonou have announced new arrival procedures and measures to be followed to protect shipping against acts of piracy.

Circular No. 141/2020 provides the following ten measures.

  1. Any vessel calling at the port of Cotonou or staying at the anchorage must appoint a maritime agent.
  2. The maritime agent must inform of a vessel’s call at least 48 hours prior to arrival.
  3. If the maritime agent has not completed the berthing formalities prior to arrival at the anchorage, the vessel will not be authorised to proceed to the anchorage, except in cases of force majeure and express authorisation of the harbourmaster.
  4. At least two hours before arriving at the approach buoy, the vessel must contact the control tower at the harbourmaster’s office and provide information regarding the vessel’s call, in particular the name of maritime agent and the reason for call (commercial operations, etc.).
  5. If the berth is occupied:
    1. the harbourmaster will, depending on availability, allocate a lay-by berth for the vessel, where the vessel must berth otherwise it will not be authorised to proceed to the anchorage.
    2. if a lay-by berth is not available, the Cotonou Signal Station will assign an anchorage position to the ship and an armed guard will board the vessel.
  6. The boarding of the naval armed guard is compulsory and is free of charge for any vessel staying at the anchorage.
  7. If the master refuses the boarding of the armed guard, the vessel will not be authorised to anchor. The vessel must then inform the control tower and return outside Benin territorial waters.
  8. Only vessels having operations to be carried out at the Port of Cotonou are authorised to anchor and to embark an armed guard.
  9. Any vessel having completed commercial operations and has left the Port of Cotonou must sail for its next destination, except in cases of force majeure and the express authorisation of the harbourmaster.
  10. The payment of all taxes resulting from the call of any vessel is compulsory as per the Operating and Police Regulations and the other rules of the Port of Cotonou Authority

Thanks to ELTVEDT & O’SULLIVAN for providing us with this information. Read the full translated circular.

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