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こちら Japan flag を選択して頂くと、言語設定が日本語に切り替わります。設定変更後は以下の機能が利用可能です。

  • 日本語版ウェブサイトへのクイックアクセスが可能となり、日本語の刊行物をご覧頂けます。

  • 日本語版が閲覧可能な刊行物や記事については、日本語が優先表示されます。表示言語については Japan flag をご参照下さい。

閉じる 言語設定を切り替えたい場合には、国旗のマークをクリックして下さい。

By selecting Japan flag, you have now set your language to Japanese. This has several benefits, including:

  • Providing quick access to our Japan page, which collates all our Japanese content in one place.

  • Ensures that content is presented to you in Japanese first, if we have an article, publication or webpage available in Japanese. Look out for the Japan flag indicators across the site.

Close If you’d like to change your language preferences again, simply click on one of the other flags.

点击选择 China flag,可将网站语言设置为中文。这能帮助您:

  • 快速访问我们的中国区页面,该页面将有网站内容的中文汇总。

  • 在我们的文章、出版物或者网页有中文版本提供的情况下,确保首先向您展示的是中文版本的内容。您可关注站点上的 China flag 按键。

关闭 点击任意其他国旗,可切换您的语言偏好。

By selecting China flag, you have now set your language to Chinese. This has several benefits, including:

  • Providing quick access to our China page, which collates all our Chinese content in one place.

  • Ensures that content is presented to you in Chinese first, if we have an article, publication or webpage available in Chinese. Look out for the China flag indicators across the site.

Close If you’d like to change your language preferences again, simply click on one of the other flags.

North has merged with Standard Club to form NorthStandard.
Find out more about NorthStandard here or continue on this site to access information and resources.

Kidney Care


Your kidneys are important. They carry out essential roles within the body to keep you healthy, such as:

  • Maintaining the balance of water and chemical constituents within the body
  • Eliminating chemical waste
  • Producing hormones and enzymes that assist bone formation, regulate blood pressure and stimulate the production of red blood cells

The importance of these vital organs is clear. However, seafarers continue to suffer from kidney-related illnesses.

Know the signs

The early stages of kidney conditions usually have no obvious symptoms and small stones often pass unnoticed. But more advanced conditions can prove to be fatal. It is therefore important to know the warning signs. This ensures that the appropriate treatment can be provided as soon as possible.

Such warning signs include:

  • Painful urination – this can be caused by inflammation of the neck of the bladder due to infection, or kidney stones in the urinary passage
  • Blood in the urine – this can result from kidney stones, an acute infection or even cancer. It must not be ignored!
  • The need to urinate more frequently
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Water retention causing facial puffiness or swelling of lower extremities and abdomen
  • Headaches
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Lower back pain, sometimes felt in the groin

Keeping kidneys healthy

In order to prevent such conditions arising, The UK National Health Service has suggested the following five lifestyle steps to help your kidneys keep you healthy:

1. Stay hydrated

It is important that you drink plenty of fluids. This will help your kidneys function properly. If your urine is dark in colour, this may be a sign of dehydration. Remember that in hot conditions, or when exercising, you need to drink more water than usual to make up for the fluid lost by sweating.

2. Eat healthily

A balanced diet ensures you get all the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Make sure you eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and avoid eating too much salty or fatty food. A high protein, low fibre diet will increase the risk of developing kidney stones.

3. Check your blood pressure

Check your blood pressure regularly. High blood pressure has no symptoms, but it can increase your risk of kidney and heart problems. If your blood pressure is higher than it should be, your doctor should be able to suggest lifestyle changes or prescribe medication, if necessary.

4. Drink in moderation and don’t smoke

Try to stop smoking completely and limit the amount of alcohol you drink. Drinking too much alcohol and smoking both increase blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the most common causes of kidney disease.

5. Maintain a healthy weight

Being overweight raises your blood pressure, so try to maintain a healthy weight by keeping active and not overeating.

More advice on maintain a healthy body click here.

Welcome to

We've merged with Standard Club to form NorthStandard, this means a new name and look for us, and even better service, support, and cover for you.

You can find out more about NorthStandard on our new website here. As part of the NorthStandard Group, please continue to use for your industry news, publications and expertise as well as club rules and contacts.